Having seen the seniors in action for the first time this evening it’s fairly obvious winter has been a little too kind to some of us.
So with that in kind I thought it might be a good idea to cover some tips for cricket fitness. Without doubt the most important thing for players of our standard is general fitness. A few miles of running each week or a cycle rid or three wouldn’t go amis. Some decent cardiovascular exercise basically.
It would also be a great idea to work on your core, it will be used to a great extent in both batting and bowling so take a look at the attached video and try to give it a go. We’ve got 7 senior net sessions remaining, lets make the most of them and give ourselves a real workout. As for the kids amongst you, you probably do more than enough cardiovascular exercise I’d really focus on the exercises in the video, they’re low impact so shouldn’t cause any injuries or strains but will help strength.
see you all soon
[youtube height=”300″ width=”600″]http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jeqdzKflwFY[/youtube]