Having seen the seniors in action for the first time this evening it’s fairly obvious winter has been a little too kind to some of us. So with that in kind I thought it might be a good idea to cover some tips for cricket fitness. Without doubt the most important thing for players of...Read More
So tonight was the U13/U15 training again and tonight we were joined by Scotland internationals Kyle Coetzer and Calum MacLeod. As many of you know we are sharing our training sessions with the Hardingstone CC, they had arranged with Northants to get Kyle and Calum down to training. They were around to dispense some invaluable...Read More
It is (I promise), a well known fact that a large number of problems in a cricketers batting technique can be traced back to his/her grip, stance and backlift. It is the most important building block to a good technique – and should set you up for whatever comes your way. I want to run...Read More
A small family based cricket club founded in 2006, we currently have one adult side playing in Div 10 of the NCL, but have aspirations for much more!